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Central Baptist Church

Fellowship and Community

Our Fellowship and Community is organically and beautifully crafted based on the interests and needs of our local membership.

Family Integrated

We enjoy everything together as a family, all ages in community and fellowship.

Pastor Shane Sowers and family

Themed Cookouts and Potlucks

Fellowship and meals go together, and we are passionate about great hospitality and great food! Join us for weekly cookouts in the summer and, outside of summer, monthly themed potlucks in the Fellowship Hall with professionally trained chefs. Exchange ideas for great food and great hospitality and bring your newfound skills to share with the local body of believers at Central Baptist Church in Aurora. For the Sundays when all-church lunches are not scheduled, we encourage smaller groups to get together for lunch after church by either going out to a restaurant or gathering in each other’s homes, and our congregation is very good at carrying out that encouragement!

Pastor Shane at the luau with the pig

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday night Bible studies are scheduled at various times throughout each year. We meet at Pastor Shane’s home, and he is currently leading us in the study of 9 Marks of a Healthy Church. Check the calendar for active dates.

9Marks Building Healthy Churches

Self Defense Training

Over the years, our membership has been comprised of FBI, law enforcement, military, and families desiring to become skilled in self-defense in order to protect their family, church, and community. This has presented a unique opportunity for our local church to grow in fellowship and community in a broad spectrum of self-defense training. We regularly train in MMA, and throughout the year, we have various events related to self-defense such as concealed carry trainings, target practice, and FBI CRASE and like presentations from the Aurora Police Department. Keep an eye on the calendar and social media for these events.

Jeanine in the private MMA gym

MMA Summer Camp at Church

MMA Summer Camp is in June, and this is a great time of fellowship and community for the coaches and members overseeing the camp. We work together to provide MMA training to kids in the community for a week, share the gospel, and protect the kids. Spanish-speaking members and EMT’s, CNA’s, and medical professionals are especially helpful during these camps.

Central Baptist Church

Home for the Holidays

Family in Christ at Central Baptist Church share the holidays together: Thanksgiving at the Sowers home with deep fried turkey, Christmas Eve with award-winning prime rib and a Candlelight Christmas Eve service at the church, a New Year’s Watch with members who open their homes, followed shortly thereafter by a savory, hearty nacho bar on Super Bowl Sunday in February.

Girls at the Christmas Eve potluck

Volunteer Opportunities

If you are looking to make a significant contribution toward the mission of the church to Make Disciples, volunteering is one of the most valuable contributions you can give. Our volunteers are a treasure, and we are grateful for you! You help to keep costs low so that the funds saved may be put toward ministry, reaching the lost sheep, and Making Disciples. Here are some ideas to get you thinking in the direction of how you may volunteer in ways that are especially enjoyable for you and in areas where God has blessed you with talents and skills that match the needs of the church particulary well:

In Building & Grounds:

  • Work an ongoing punch list
  • Perform skilled labor in HVAC, plumbing, and electrical
  • Offer solutions for roof, parking lot, lighting, security, and beautifying the property

In Community Outreach:

  • Lead hosting and hospitality for specific events
  • Coach MMA

On the Worship Team, play an instrument or sing.

In Administration:

  • Be an on-call assistant and backup to the Church Office Administrator
  • Lead vendor support

In I.T., manage and administer the infrastructure that supports our custom web systems and apps.

In Janitorial

  • Vacuum
  • Dust
  • Clean windows
  • Clean bathrooms

For Security:

  • Walk and secure church grounds
  • Perform live surveillance and work with law enforcement to resolve issues

Perform snow removal including shovel and plow

Shannon shoveling wood chips

Be in the Know

For the most up to date information, follow social media, as regular updates will be posted through that channel. Additionally, if you are blessed to be an active, contributing member of Central Baptist Church or are in the household of one and if you have a registered email with us, then you are on the church mailing list. This mailing list has the most up to date and best information about current events and opportunities, and it offers early access to events and priority choice to this group.

Service Times:

Sunday 9:00 A.M. - Bible Study

Sunday 10:30 A.M. - Worship Service

Located at 6th & Del Mar in Aurora:

29 Del Mar Circle

Aurora, CO 80011

(303) 366-1527

©   Central Baptist Church, Aurora, CO - All Rights Reserved